Sunday, May 25, 2008

Soldiers I Know

Since tomorrow is Memorial Day, I've been thinking a lot about soldier I know.

I've had quite a few friends go into the military. Currently, my friends Jimmy and Chris are serving their country, Jimmy in the Navy and Chris in the Army.

I don't mind saying...I'm scared for them, especially Chris. He and his high school sweetheart, Arica, are married and she's pregnant with a boy. From what I've heard, he's going to have to deploy to Iraq at some point. Jimmy is a mess hall cook so hopefully, he'll be safer.

Also, someone else I think about around Memorial Day is my Opa Joe. He is originally from Croatia, but he chose to serve in the Army during the Korean War. His feet are still messed up to this day from his service, but he doesn't complain about it.

I admire all of them and so I can only say...
Thank you, Jimmy. You were always the class clown and made everybody laugh and I bet you're still making people laugh when you serve them food.
Thank you, Chris. You were one of my best friends in high school and were willing to stand up for anybody. I'm going to be praying when you go over.
And thank you, Opa Joe. I know you shrug your service off, but nobody forced you to do it, and I'm proud to be your granddaughter.


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I applaud them all.

And interestingly enough, my husbands grandfather is also from Croatia

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I applaud them all.

And interestingly enough, my husbands grandfather is also from Croatia